Saturday, July 31, 2010

Yar!!! There be land ahead!

Patricia and I went out to our lot today and took some pictures of our newly cleared land.  So time for a picture dump!

From the front.  On the right you can see what will eventually be the driveway.  As you can see, there will be some trees in front of the house to provide a little bit of concealment from the road.

From near the center of the lot.  That's me in the distance standing at the western edge of the property.

Here is an aerial picture of our lot (pre-clearing):

Our lot, highlighted in green.  The dark area in the upper right corner of the property is a swamp/wetland area.

Welcome again (from Steve this time)

I just wanted to add my own welcome note this to kind of put out for anyone who may be reading why we're doing this blog, and more importantly why we're building a new house.

Patricia and I already have a house, and not a bad one at that.  Of course, I bought our house out in Evans before Patricia and I were married.  So I think in a lot of ways, while I very much think of it as Patricia's house as much as it is mine, it's hard for us to think of it as our house.  And obviously my life circumstances were vastly different at the time when I bought it.  I was single, and didn't really have any ideas that my status would change anytime in the near future.  So I bought an older home, one that was clearly in need of some work (nothing structural really, mostly aesthetic).  It was my fixer upper.  My idea was I was a single guy, I need a place with a good amount of space but not expansive, and I would spend my weekends making the place really shine.  But now that I'm married, spending that much time doing improvement projects is much less attractive.  And again, we want something that is truly ours, that we picked out together.  I want for us to have our dream home, and I think the one we're building is going to be pretty close to that.  It'll be newer, have more space, and be far more energy efficient.  We'll have more land for some homesteading (something a little more than gardening but a little less than farming, is the way I like to think of it), and we'll have the peace and quiet of being in the country.

So why the blog?  In part, it's for us.  Taking a raw piece of land and some blueprints, and crafting that into a residence is a big project.  And an exciting one.  I'd kind of like a record of that.  I also like to think friends and family are excited for us too ("Shared joy is increased, shared pain is lessened, thus do we refute entropy"), and this is a way to share in an easy (and multimedia friendly) way (and that sharing can be a two way street...we very well may solicit input on some of the MANY decisions we'll have to make).  And who knows, this might inspire someone who wants to do something similar.  Also, houses/homes just fascinate me.  I believe putting together a home is the largest creative project most people ever undertake.

Anyway, comments/questions are welcome (and encouraged), and I hope we see at least a few visitors!  Even if we don't, I think recording this experience will have been well worth it.

Thursday, July 29, 2010


Hello and welcome!  My husband Steve and I are in the very beginning stages of building our house.  From scratch! We are very excited about this adventure, and started this blog so that we can share our excitement and progress with our family and friends who are miles and miles away.

We currently live in Evans GA, and we while we like it here, we came across an opportunity to build a house that seemed too good to pass up.  So far, we have picked out our lot, decided on the floor plans, picked out our top 3 brick preferences, and decided on our kitchen appliances. So many choices, but we know there will dozens more to make in the next 4 months!

Our new home will be in Appling GA (AKA out in the country!) on 3 acres of wooded land, with a wee bit of wetlands in the very back corner of the property. We went to check out the land a few weekends ago, and happened to see a baby deer!  That was a wonderful moment for me.  I just hope our furry friends don't hinder our plans for a veggie garden in the future!

Our builder told us the land clearing would probably start late this week.  Steve drove by today on his way home from work and, sure enough, our land has been cleared so the building can begin! We have specifically asked to keep as many of the trees as possible, and it looks like they've done a good job of that.

We promise a lot of pictures as progress is made. Stay tuned!